Baby Sign Language in 14 Days
Online Course
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Empower Your Pre-Speech Baby to Tell You Their Needs, Wants, Thoughts, and Feelings
Follow along as Dr. Joseph demonstrates 4-6 signs each day for 14 days. Start and stop the 14 Day program at your leisure. In as little as two weeks, you'll know how to model as many as 80 signs for things your baby sees, does, and wants or needs. Using signs, you and baby will soon be able to clearly communicate with each other long before your child can say words.
Course Description
In this course, you're introduced to a handful of signs each day for 14 days. You’ll learn signs for daily activities such as waking up, changing, nursing, eating, getting dressed, and more. Dr. Joseph describes and models each sign. At the end of 14 days, you will have learned without much time and effort, 80 signs you and your baby can use to communicate.
Each lesson lasts less than five minutes. Dr. Joseph reviews the signs from the previous two days before introducing the signs for the new day. You can view each new lesson as many times as you want. Lessons do not need to be viewed in sequence. If you want to learn the signs for a specific activity or event, jump ahead or jump around as you wish, and have fun.
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Baby Sign Language in 14 Days
The perfect online course for new parents
Practical, Effective, and Easy-to-Use
This program is easily integrated into a busy parent’s life. Viewing this course can easily be incorporated while doing daily activities. For instance, the lesson showing the signs for diaper change can play on your tablet or smart phone while you change baby’s diaper.
Lessons don’t take much time
Each lesson is less than 5 minutes long. Dr. Joseph clearly demonstrates the 4-6 new signs in each lesson and you can easily incorporate them in your daily routines.
A Course That Never Expires
You can go through this course as many times as you want. The goal is to help you to communicate with your baby before they can use words. Once you have used the signs with them for a while, they will begin to sign back to you and let you know what they want and need.
Accessible on Any Device
Access the course on your laptop, tablet or smart phone. No matter where you are, you can quickly access a lesson to refresh your memory as you learn the signs.
About Your Instructor
Dr. Joseph has pioneered the global effort to improve parent/infant communication since 1988. His experiences in the Deaf Community inspired his pioneering work. His books and programs have resulted in thousands of families using signs to communicate with their pre-speech infants. He regularly consults with hospitals, health care providers, and educational institutions on how to use sign language as an effective method of communication.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are no set rules on the number of signs to demonstrate to your child, so this is a personal choice. You may feel comfortable using all 80 sign in this course, or it may suit you to use just a handful.
Most children seem to acquire and regularly use between 20 and 50 signs before speech takes over. However, those same children will understand all the signs that have been modeled.
Every child is different and they learn and produce signs at their own pace. Your baby is processing language in their brain. That process takes time. Be patient—and keep signing.
Babies will learn the language they hear. That learning process begins while the baby is still in the womb listening to the parent's and caregiver's language tones and rhythm. Once born they clearly hear the family language and will speak it once their vocal mechanism matures and has the ability to make the various target language sounds. When gestural language is introduced along with spoken language, the baby will process and use those gestures to get what they want, tell you what they feel, what they are thinking about, etc. The design of the gestures is secondary to the idea that babies can communicate through gestures and signs much sooner in life than waiting for speech to be produced. Where the signs I use in my programs are unique is that many of the signs represent what they mean...that is they look like what they are supposed to convey, like the sign for EAT and DRINK, or they are directional like the HURT sign that is placed at the injury's location. No matter what language you speak, you can use the signs in my program and just say the words in your family's language that correlate with the signs in the 14 Day program. You will have communication for the year or so you use the signs. As your baby develops speech and drops the signs, your spoken language will be supported by your signing and you will be rewarded with a fun-filled experience that only comes once in your and your child's life. This early cultural imprinting time and discovery time for your baby is too precious a time to lose. Clear communication not only serves you but dramatically affects your child––reducing the level of frustration based on poor communication and expressive capacity and supporting their confidence by giving them a tool they can use to affect their environment and express themselves. Signs are also very effective in families where more than one language is spoken. The signs become the common denominator among all the languages the child hears...but they see the meanings to the words from the signs.
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