Dr. Joseph Garcia’s Complete Guide to Baby Sign Language
ISBN: 9780963622976
The Easiest Way to Learn 285 Baby Signs From The World-Renowned Expert on Baby Sign Language
This comprehensive book guides parents and caregivers on how to clearly communicate with infants before they are able to say words. Dr. Joseph wrote this book to help new parents get the most out of using baby sign language with their infants. Dr. Joseph Garcia’s Complete Guide to Baby Sign Language is available in printed and ebook formats.
Book Description
In this book, Dr. Joseph Garcia, an educator and researcher, presents 285 signs organized around 48 topics relevant to your baby’s life.
Dr. Joseph’s easy yet effective teaching method establishes clear communication with pre-speech infants and toddlers.
A Quick Start Guide gives a brief introduction on how to use this Guide. A section called “Important Hand Shapes” shows detailed drawings of the proper use of American Sign Language hand shapes used throughout the book.
Each of the 48 topics introduces 5-6 new easy-to-learn signs. Dr. Joseph recommends that you model these signs to your baby as you verbally narrate what’s happening in their life. Soon, they will begin to sign back. That’s when the magic begins!
The signs are described in detail, broken down by Hand Shape, Movement, Location, and when to use the signs. A link leading to video demonstrations of the signs is located on the inside front cover and the inside back cover of the book.
The complete guide to baby sign language
This book is a comprehensive guide
The book concisely explains 285 signs you can use to communicate with your baby. Each sign includes a detailed written description as well as a drawing illustrating how to make the sign.
This book is practical, effective, and easy-to-use
Dr. Joseph’s expertise and experience in adult learning and baby sign language come together
to create this effective parenting tool. In addition to the signs, he offers a carefully assembled body of baby singing instruction and information available.
Pull-out pages to post around the home
Posters of signs by topic are included in both the ebook and printed version. Parents are encouraged to hang these at strategic locations throughout the home to remind them which signs to use. The posters can be printed out from the ebook.
Video demonstrations are available
Each printed book comes with a link to online videos that demonstrate the signs section by section. The ebook includes links to the signs in each section.
About The Author
Dr. Joseph has pioneered the global effort to improve parent/infant communication since 1988. His experiences in the Deaf Community inspired his pioneering work. His books and programs have resulted in thousands of families using signs to communicate with their pre-speech infants. He regularly consults with hospitals, health care providers, and educational institutions on how to use sign language as an effective method of communication.
Following his military service, he developed a comprehensive course in diagnostic medical communication in American Sign Language to respond to the large number of veterans going deaf from anti-malaria drugs. His groundbreaking work continues with his learn-to-read Dr. Joseph’s Fingerspelling Book, a program that makes learning to read a game-like activity.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are no set rules on the number of signs to demonstrate to your child, so this is a personal choice. You may feel comfortable using 100, or it may suit you to use 12. It is worth keeping in mind that you will need to present a lot of signs with consistency and repetition, throughout the day, in order for your child to learn many signs. That way, you are making available to them a broad selection of signs for the ease and benefit of their communication. Remember, your child is processing language, so if you sign 100 signs and they sign 20, they are still actively processing not only that which they demonstrate, but also that which they see but may not demonstrate. The activity of processing is stimulating their brain and helping them learn.
At some stage of your baby-signing journey, you may stumble on what I call a “baby-signing block” that will have you scratching your head with frustration. You may very well find, for example, that although you have been signing to your baby for three months she is not signing back, or that she seems to be signing but the signs look nothing like yours.
If you are following my program and this happens, comfort yourself—you are doing nothing wrong! And neither is your baby. Every child is different and they learn and produce signs at their own pace. Your child is processing language in her brain. That process takes time. Be patient—and keep signing.
No. As a parent you would not restrict the number of words spoken to a child, and the same applies when using signs. You are simply exposing him to language that is presented in two forms—spoken and signed. He will then choose the signs that he most needs, and disregard those that he does not need. Using a lot of signs will offer him a wider variety of options, which will later help him to communicate. The only way that you could overload a child would be to place demands on learning or to make the communication process a lesson rather than a simple daily activity.
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